Monday, May 2, 2011

Ask Me: How do actors cry on cue?

Anonymous asked
How do actors cry on cue?

There are so many different approaches to crying.
Sally Field was on Inside the Actors Studio and talked about how she did the famous monologue in Steel Magnolias where she (spoiler alert!!) loses it at the funeral of her daughter. She described a gruesome, “method” exercise where she imagined cutting herself slowly and painfully...

Read more:  Ask Me: How do actors cry on cue? | The NYC Actor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I witnessed Janet Miranda crying on Cue for Death Is No Escape and all I have to say is wow, that girl can really act. I thought she was absolutly stunning but when I saw her in acting mode, she really blew me away. Check out the movie Janet Miranda is an amazing actress.