Saturday, March 20, 2010

Auditioning jitters

Jitters - try tremors!

Since I've been out here working for a few years now, my relationship to auditioning/performing has changed somewhat. At some point I crossed over from fearing them to actually really enjoying them. So, my empathy for how terrifying it can be was numbed somewhat.

Until one specific audition.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to Succeed in the Entertainment Industry? D.I.Y!

I've been hearing some depressing facts from the industry, lately. So I thought I'd share them with you.

Apparently, if you are over the age of 28, whether female or male (but let's be honest, especially if you're a lady-friend), the current movie/TV/Theater industry couldn't be more over you.

The word on the street is that if you are over 28 and you haven't "cracked" it yet, then there must be something wrong with you. And, just to brighten your day it seems that agents, CD's and producers these days are only really looking for new tweens (Robert Patinson, Kristen Stewart, etc) to invest in - and only tweens.