Anonymous asked
Who are you favorite acting career coach?
Ex. Dallas Travers
Ex. Dallas Travers
Things you should know about the industry, but that no-one will necessarily tell you. I will be documenting what I learn about being a working actor as I go along, so that you can learn from my mistakes/successes and avoid some of the pitfalls I may have landed in without knowing better. This is not the Holy Grail - so I welcome comments and feedback that are helpful to the new or even seasoned actor out there.
Very nice blog on career coaching.It helped alot.Thank you for sharing this wonderfull information.I know another institute
providing their best services in career coaching and life coaching.
Career coaching requires an investment of time, money and genuine effort. It is not a process for the weak, timid, or uncommitted - career coaching is for women who know what they want and are not ashamed to go after it.
Women Career Coaching
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