Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ask Angela directly!!

I've started to get individual questions from some of my readers. I will post the questions with my answers when I can as I think they are fantastically helpful! If you have a question for me please feel free to email me or post it on the blog and I will get to it as soon as I can. NO QUESTION IS CONSIDERED TOO SMALL OR STUPID. You'd be amazed how much you can help by sharing.

Question: From Tom. New York.

Two hours ago I got a call from an old improv friend saying his girlfriend's production company needed a Brit voice-over NOW.

I told 'em I was non-union, they said that was cool, and I went. It was for [high-end shoe company - sic]. Crazy. I think it's just a concept piece, because from what you told me, there's no way you could luck into a gig like that if it was for air. I was doing a cockney footballer voice.

So, great news! They were nice, and I'm very glad I did it. But what the fuck should I do? I didn't even ask about money (stupid, but I didn't want to mess up the opportunity). How would you handle this? Do you think I should broach the topic of money, or let this one slide as a relationship builder? How should I approach getting a copy of the tape for my reel? I want to follow up with them tomorrow and talk about my range, but I want to come off as professional etc.

So... yay! And.. help!?


Unknown said...

Hi Angela,

This information is great.

Receiving payment after a job for any self employed person can be tricky esp if things are not in order or clear from the start.
Once a personal formula has been worked out the whole process becomes so much easier and natural.
More a part of the course of looking after yourself as self employed... agent or not I would think?


Angela Dee said...

Thanks Rohmie!